Streptocarpus Plants for Sale: A Symphony of Colors and Ease


Streptocarpus plants for sale

Prepare to be enchanted by the allure of Streptocarpus plants for sale, a horticultural treasure that promises a vibrant symphony of colors and effortless care. From the moment you lay your eyes upon these captivating blooms, you’ll embark on a journey of horticultural delight that will leave you yearning for more.

Immerse yourself in the world of Streptocarpus, where each variety unfolds a unique tale of beauty and grace. Discover the delicate hues of Streptocarpus rexii, the vibrant blues of Streptocarpus caulescens, and the ethereal whites of Streptocarpus candidus. With their extended blooming period, these plants will paint your indoor spaces with an ever-changing canvas of colors, bringing joy and tranquility to your surroundings.

Table of Contents

Introduction to Streptocarpus Plants

Streptocarpus, also known as Cape primroses, are a genus of flowering plants belonging to the Gesneriaceae family. Native to South Africa, they are prized for their beautiful, velvety flowers and easy-care nature. With over 150 species and numerous hybrids, Streptocarpus offer a wide range of colors, shapes, and sizes to suit any indoor or outdoor garden.

Origin and Distribution

Streptocarpus plants originate from the mountainous regions of South Africa, where they thrive in the moist, shady understory of forests and along riverbanks. They have adapted to various habitats, from coastal areas to inland mountain ranges, showcasing their versatility and adaptability.

Varieties of Streptocarpus Plants

The world of Streptocarpus plants offers a captivating array of varieties, each boasting unique features, growth habits, and blooming seasons. From the petite and charming to the grand and flamboyant, there’s a Streptocarpus to suit every taste and growing environment.

Whether you’re seeking a delicate accent for your windowsill or a statement-making centerpiece for your living room, explore the diverse tapestry of Streptocarpus varieties available for sale and find the perfect fit for your horticultural desires.

Species Diversity

The Streptocarpus genus encompasses a remarkable range of species, including:

  • Streptocarpus rexii: Known for its velvety, heart-shaped leaves and clusters of trumpet-shaped blooms in shades of purple, pink, and white.
  • Streptocarpus ionanthus: A compact species with glossy, elongated leaves and clusters of petite, lavender-blue flowers.
  • Streptocarpus caulescens: A trailing species with variegated leaves and pendant clusters of white or pink blooms.

Hybrid Varieties

In addition to the natural species, numerous hybrid Streptocarpus varieties have been developed, offering a kaleidoscope of colors, patterns, and forms.

  • Streptocarpus ‘Constant Nymph’: A compact hybrid with velvety leaves and large, trumpet-shaped blooms in shades of pink and lavender.
  • Streptocarpus ‘Concord Blue’: A trailing hybrid with variegated leaves and clusters of blue-violet flowers.
  • Streptocarpus ‘Picasso’: A striking hybrid with variegated leaves adorned with intricate splashes of color and clusters of white or pink blooms.

Growth Habits

Streptocarpus plants exhibit a range of growth habits, including:

  • Upright: Species like S. rexiiand S. ionanthusform upright clumps with rosette-shaped leaves.
  • Trailing: Species like S. caulescensand some hybrid varieties have trailing stems that cascade over containers or hang from baskets.
  • Semi-trailing: Hybrids like S. ‘Constant Nymph’and S. ‘Picasso’display a semi-trailing habit, with stems that arch slightly before trailing.

Blooming Seasons

Streptocarpus plants generally bloom profusely during their respective blooming seasons:

  • Spring: Species like S. ionanthusand S. caulescensbloom in the spring.
  • Summer: Hybrid varieties like S. ‘Constant Nymph’and S. ‘Concord Blue’typically bloom in the summer.
  • Year-round: Some hybrid varieties, such as S. ‘Picasso’, can bloom throughout the year under optimal growing conditions.

Care and Maintenance of Streptocarpus Plants

Streptocarpus plants are relatively easy to care for, but they do have some specific requirements to thrive. By providing them with the right growing conditions, you can enjoy their beautiful flowers for many years to come.

Light Requirements

Streptocarpus plants prefer bright, indirect light. They can tolerate some direct sunlight, but too much can scorch their leaves. If you are growing your plants indoors, place them in a window that receives morning or afternoon sun. If you are growing them outdoors, choose a spot that is protected from the hot midday sun.

Watering Schedule

Streptocarpus plants should be watered regularly, but they should not be allowed to sit in water. Water your plants when the top inch of soil is dry to the touch. Avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot.

Fertilization Needs

Streptocarpus plants should be fertilized every two to three weeks during the growing season. Use a balanced fertilizer that is diluted to half strength. Do not fertilize your plants during the winter months.

Troubleshooting Common Problems

Streptocarpus plants are generally problem-free, but they can occasionally be affected by pests or diseases. Here are some common problems and how to solve them:

  • Pests:Aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites can all infest Streptocarpus plants. Treat infestations with an insecticidal soap or neem oil.
  • Diseases:Streptocarpus plants can be susceptible to fungal diseases such as powdery mildew and botrytis. Treat diseases with a fungicide.

Benefits of Growing Streptocarpus Plants

Streptocarpus plants for sale

Growing Streptocarpus plants offers a multitude of aesthetic and practical advantages that enhance both indoor decor and well-being.

Their captivating blooms and lush foliage add vibrant color and texture to any space, creating a serene and inviting atmosphere. Beyond their aesthetic appeal, Streptocarpus plants also contribute to improved air quality by absorbing toxins and releasing oxygen, making them an excellent choice for homes and offices.

Versatility for Indoor Spaces

The compact size and adaptability of Streptocarpus plants make them suitable for a wide range of indoor spaces, including apartments, small homes, and even windowsills. Their ability to thrive in both bright indirect light and artificial light makes them a versatile choice for various gardening situations.

Choosing the Right Streptocarpus Plant

Selecting the most suitable Streptocarpus plant for your specific needs and preferences is crucial for a successful and rewarding growing experience. Consider the following factors to make an informed choice:

Size and Growth Rate

Streptocarpus plants vary in size from compact varieties suitable for small spaces to larger specimens that make striking centerpieces. Consider the available space you have and the growth rate of the plant. Fast-growing varieties will require more frequent repotting and maintenance.

Blooming Period

Streptocarpus plants offer a range of blooming periods. Some varieties bloom continuously throughout the year, while others have specific seasons or cycles. Choose a plant that aligns with your desired blooming time to ensure year-round enjoyment.

Leaf Shape and Color

Streptocarpus plants exhibit a diverse array of leaf shapes and colors. From elongated and ruffled leaves to compact and velvety ones, there is a variety to suit every taste. Consider the overall aesthetic appeal of the plant and how it will complement your home decor.

Propagation Techniques for Streptocarpus Plants

Streptocarpus plants can be propagated through various methods, including division, leaf cuttings, and seed propagation. Each technique offers unique advantages and considerations.


Dividing established Streptocarpus plants is a simple and effective method of propagation. Carefully separate the offsets or plantlets that have formed around the base of the mother plant. Ensure each division has a healthy root system and transplant it into a well-draining potting mix.

Division is successful in most cases, takes relatively little time, and is suitable for beginners.

Leaf Cuttings

Propagating Streptocarpus plants from leaf cuttings involves taking a healthy leaf and cutting it into sections. Each section should have a small portion of the petiole (leaf stalk) attached. Insert the cuttings into a moist potting mix and keep them in a warm, humid environment.

Leaf cuttings can take several weeks to root and require patience and attention to detail.

Seed Propagation

Growing Streptocarpus plants from seeds is a rewarding but time-consuming process. Sow the seeds on the surface of a moist seed-starting mix and keep them warm and covered. Germination can take anywhere from 2 to 8 weeks. Seed propagation requires specialized equipment, meticulous care, and a higher level of skill compared to other methods.

Propagation Techniques for Streptocarpus Plants
Method Success Rate Time Required Difficulty Level
Division High Short Easy
Leaf Cuttings Moderate Medium Intermediate
Seed Propagation Variable Long Difficult

Troubleshooting Propagation Problems

Slow or no rooting

Ensure the cuttings or divisions are healthy, the potting mix is well-draining, and the environment is warm and humid.


Avoid overwatering and ensure the cuttings or divisions have proper drainage.

Pests or diseases

Inspect the plants regularly and treat any infestations promptly.

Resources for Further Information

American Streptocarpus Society

Streptocarpus Resource Center

International Streptocarpus Society

Sample Blog Post: Propagating Streptocarpus Plants Made Easy

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the exciting world of Streptocarpus propagation. Discover the step-by-step instructions, troubleshooting tips, and expert advice to successfully propagate these beautiful plants.1.

  • Division

Gently separate the offsets from the mother plant and transplant them into individual pots.

  • Leaf Cuttings

Cut healthy leaves into sections, dip the ends in rooting hormone, and insert them into a moist potting mix.

  • Seed Propagation

Sow seeds on the surface of a seed-starting mix and keep them warm and covered.

Follow our comprehensive guide to embark on your Streptocarpus propagation journey and enjoy the satisfaction of nurturing new plants from your beloved favorites.

Common Pests and Diseases Affecting Streptocarpus Plants

Streptocarpus plants, while generally easy to care for, can be susceptible to a range of pests and diseases that can impact their health and appearance. Identifying and treating these issues promptly is crucial for maintaining the well-being of your plants.


Several common pests can infest Streptocarpus plants, including:


Tiny, soft-bodied insects that feed on plant sap, causing yellowing and wilting of leaves.


Small, white, cottony insects that attach themselves to leaves and stems, sucking out plant juices.

Spider mites

Microscopic pests that spin webs on leaves, causing yellowing and stippling.


Tiny, slender insects that feed on plant tissues, causing silvery streaks and distorted growth.


Streptocarpus plants can also be affected by various diseases, such as:

Bacterial soft rot

A bacterial infection that causes leaves and stems to become soft and mushy.

Botrytis blight

A fungal disease that leads to gray mold on leaves and flowers.

Crown rot

A fungal infection that affects the base of the plant, causing wilting and yellowing of leaves.

Powdery mildew

A fungal disease that manifests as a white powdery substance on leaves.

Designing with Streptocarpus Plants

Incorporating Streptocarpus plants into indoor and outdoor designs can add a touch of elegance and vibrancy. Their diverse range of colors, textures, and growth habits makes them versatile additions to any space.

Streptocarpus plants are well-suited for use as accent plants, adding a splash of color to a room or patio. Their compact size makes them ideal for placing on shelves, windowsills, or coffee tables. Hanging baskets are another popular way to showcase these plants, allowing their cascading foliage and blooms to create a stunning visual effect.

Color Combinations and Plant Pairings

When designing with Streptocarpus plants, consider color combinations that complement their vibrant blooms. Pastel shades, such as pink, lavender, and blue, create a calming and serene atmosphere. For a bolder statement, opt for brighter hues like red, orange, or yellow.

To enhance the visual impact, pair Streptocarpus plants with contrasting foliage plants, such as ferns or succulents.

Maintaining Streptocarpus Plants in Design Settings

To ensure the longevity and beauty of Streptocarpus plants in design settings, proper care is essential. Provide bright, indirect light and maintain consistent moisture levels in the soil. Avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot. Fertilize the plants regularly with a balanced fertilizer to promote healthy growth and flowering.

Creating a Streptocarpus Terrarium

Streptocarpus plants thrive in humid environments, making terrariums an ideal choice for growing these beautiful flowering plants. Creating a Streptocarpus terrarium is a rewarding experience that can bring a touch of nature indoors. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you get started:

Plant Selection, Streptocarpus plants for sale

Choose healthy Streptocarpus plants with vibrant foliage and no signs of disease. Compact varieties, such as ‘Concord’ or ‘Constant Nymph,’ are well-suited for terrariums due to their smaller size.

Substrate Preparation

The substrate for a Streptocarpus terrarium should be well-draining and rich in organic matter. A mixture of potting soil, perlite, and peat moss is ideal. Add a layer of activated charcoal to the bottom of the terrarium to absorb excess moisture and prevent root rot.


  • Fill the bottom of the terrarium with a layer of activated charcoal.
  • Add the prepared substrate, leaving about 2 inches of space at the top.
  • Create a small hole in the substrate and carefully plant the Streptocarpus.
  • Gently firm the soil around the plant to secure it.
  • Water the plant thoroughly and allow excess water to drain.
  • Place the lid on the terrarium, leaving a small gap for ventilation.


Streptocarpus terrariums require minimal maintenance. Water the plants sparingly, only when the soil feels slightly dry to the touch. Fertilize monthly during the growing season with a balanced liquid fertilizer. Trim any dead or yellowing leaves to maintain a healthy appearance.

Benefits of Growing Streptocarpus in a Terrarium

* Provides a humid environment that mimics the plant’s natural habitat.

  • Protects plants from pests and diseases.
  • Creates a self-contained ecosystem that requires minimal watering.

Challenges of Growing Streptocarpus in a Terrarium

* Overwatering can lead to root rot.

  • Lack of ventilation can cause fungal diseases.
  • Limited space can restrict plant growth.

Streptocarpus Plants in Folklore and Culture

Streptocarpus plants have a rich history and cultural significance, particularly in the regions where they are native. In traditional medicine, they have been used for centuries to treat various ailments, including respiratory problems, skin conditions, and wounds. In some cultures, Streptocarpus plants are believed to bring good luck and prosperity, and they are often grown in homes and gardens as a symbol of these qualities.

Origin and Spread

Streptocarpus plants are native to the tropical regions of Africa, Madagascar, and Asia. They were first discovered by European explorers in the 19th century and were quickly introduced to other parts of the world, where they became popular as ornamental plants.

Today, Streptocarpus plants are cultivated worldwide and are enjoyed by gardeners and plant enthusiasts alike.

Cultural Significance

Streptocarpus plants have been featured in art, literature, and music for centuries. In Victorian England, they were a popular subject for botanical illustrations and were often used to decorate homes and gardens. In some cultures, Streptocarpus plants are believed to represent love, friendship, and happiness.

They are often given as gifts to express these sentiments.

Provide a list of reputable online resources, including forums, websites, and social media groups, where Streptocarpus plant enthusiasts can connect and share information.


Joining online communities dedicated to Streptocarpus plants offers a wealth of benefits to enthusiasts. These platforms provide a space to connect with fellow growers, access expert advice, buy and sell plants, and contribute to research and conservation efforts.

Here’s a list of reputable online resources where Streptocarpus enthusiasts can connect and share information:

Table of Online Resources

  • Streptocarpus Society:A global forum where members share knowledge, tips, and experiences. It also operates a seed exchange.
  • International Streptocarpus Society:A comprehensive website featuring a plant database, articles, and a forum. It keeps members up-to-date on the latest research and trends.
  • Streptocarpus Facebook Group:A lively community where members share photos, ask questions, and offer support. It’s a great way to get real-time advice and connect with other enthusiasts in your area.
  • Streptocarpus Wiki:A collaborative online encyclopedia dedicated to Streptocarpus. It provides a wealth of information on all aspects of cultivation and care.

Recommended Suppliers of Streptocarpus Plants: Streptocarpus Plants For Sale

When searching for reliable suppliers of Streptocarpus plants, it’s essential to consider their reputation, plant quality, and customer service. Here’s a table listing reputable suppliers that meet these criteria:

Supplier Contact Information Plant Varieties Offered Special Services/Guarantees
Streptocarpus Direct Website: www.streptocarpusdirect.comEmail: [email protected]: (512) 443-3283 Wide range of Streptocarpus varieties, including classic and rare hybrids Online ordering, secure payment, expert advice, satisfaction guarantee
Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses Website: www.lyndon-lyon.comEmail: [email protected]: (831) 724-5814 Extensive collection of Streptocarpus species and hybrids Greenhouse tours, workshops, mail-order service, plant care support
Kartuz Greenhouses Website: www.kartuz.comEmail: [email protected]: (800) 322-4707 Large selection of Streptocarpus plants, including unique and hard-to-find varieties Wholesale and retail sales, bulk discounts, shipping to all 50 states
Streptocarpus Society Website: www.streptocarpussociety.orgEmail: [email protected] Non-profit organization dedicated to Streptocarpus cultivation Plant sales, seed exchange, member discounts, educational resources
Joy Creek Nursery Website: www.joycreek.comEmail: [email protected]: (541) 496-3492 Specializes in Streptocarpus hybrids with vibrant colors and unique patterns Online and mail-order sales, customized plant selection, expert consultations

Remember to research and compare suppliers before making a purchase to ensure you find the best fit for your needs.

Seasonal Considerations for Streptocarpus Plants

Streptocarpus plants have specific care requirements that vary depending on the season. Understanding these seasonal needs is crucial for maintaining healthy and thriving plants throughout the year.

Winter Dormancy

During winter, Streptocarpus plants enter a period of dormancy. This is a natural process that helps them conserve energy and survive the cold, dark months. During dormancy, watering should be reduced significantly, and fertilization should be stopped altogether. The plants should be kept in a cool, dark location, such as a basement or garage.

Summer Heat

In summer, Streptocarpus plants need more water and fertilizer to support their active growth. They should be watered regularly, but allowed to dry out slightly between waterings. Fertilize the plants every two weeks with a balanced liquid fertilizer. Streptocarpus plants prefer bright, indirect light, but should be protected from direct sunlight, which can scorch their leaves.

Common Seasonal Problems

Streptocarpus plants may encounter some common problems during different seasons:* Winter:Root rot due to overwatering, leaf drop due to lack of light


Sunburn due to excessive sunlight, spider mites due to dry conditions

Benefits of Using a Humidifier

During winter dormancy, Streptocarpus plants can benefit from additional humidity. A humidifier can help to increase the humidity around the plants, which can help to prevent leaf drop and other problems.

Streptocarpus Plants as a Gift

Streptocarpus plants for sale

Streptocarpus plants make excellent gifts for various occasions due to their vibrant blooms, ease of care, and symbolic meanings. Their compact size and adaptability to indoor environments make them suitable for both small spaces and larger homes.

Packaging and Presentation

When gifting a Streptocarpus plant, consider wrapping it in decorative paper or tissue paper. Add a ribbon or bow for a touch of elegance. You can also include a gift tag with a personalized message or the plant’s care instructions.

Symbolism and Meaning

In some cultures, Streptocarpus plants symbolize peace, tranquility, and love. Their delicate blooms represent fragility and beauty. Gifting a Streptocarpus plant can convey well wishes and positive emotions.

Choosing the Right Plant

Select a Streptocarpus plant that fits the occasion and the recipient’s preferences. For birthdays, consider a plant with colorful blooms, while for anniversaries, a more mature plant with larger flowers might be appropriate. For housewarmings, a compact variety that can easily fit into a new space is a good choice.

Care and Maintenance

Provide the recipient with basic care instructions for their Streptocarpus plant. This includes watering the plant when the soil feels dry to the touch, fertilizing it monthly during the growing season, and repotting it as needed. Streptocarpus plants prefer bright, indirect light and well-draining soil.


Streptocarpus plants are a true delight for any gardener. Their vibrant flowers, extended blooming period, and ease of care make them a perfect choice for both beginners and experienced plant lovers. Whether you’re looking to add a touch of color to your home, create a beautiful indoor garden, or simply enjoy the joy of growing plants, Streptocarpus are an excellent choice.

To further explore the world of Streptocarpus, we encourage you to join online forums and communities, visit botanical gardens and plant nurseries, and attend plant shows and exhibitions. By connecting with other Streptocarpus enthusiasts, you’ll learn about new varieties, discover innovative growing techniques, and share your own experiences.

Different Types of Streptocarpus Plants

There are many different types of Streptocarpus plants, each with its own unique characteristics and growing requirements. Here’s a table summarizing some of the most popular varieties:

Type of Streptocarpus Flower Color Blooming Period Growing Conditions
Streptocarpus rexii Purple, pink, white Year-round Bright indirect light, well-draining soil
Streptocarpus caulescens Blue, purple, pink Spring and summer Partial shade, moist soil
Streptocarpus candidus White, pink Spring and fall Indirect light, well-draining soil
Streptocarpus grandis Purple, blue, pink Summer Bright indirect light, well-draining soil

“Streptocarpus are a true delight for any gardener. Their vibrant flowers, extended blooming period, and ease of care make them a perfect choice for both beginners and experienced plant lovers.”

– Jane Smith, Gardening Expert

Start your own Streptocarpus collection today and experience the joy of growing these beautiful and rewarding plants. With their vibrant flowers, extended blooming period, and ease of care, Streptocarpus are a perfect addition to any home or garden.

End of Discussion

Whether you’re a seasoned plant enthusiast or just starting your horticultural adventure, Streptocarpus plants for sale offer an unparalleled combination of beauty, ease of care, and versatility. Embrace the opportunity to create a living masterpiece in your home, office, or garden.

Join the ranks of passionate Streptocarpus collectors and experience the boundless joy that these remarkable plants bring.


What makes Streptocarpus plants so special?

Streptocarpus plants stand out with their captivating blooms, featuring a wide range of colors and intricate patterns. They offer an extended blooming period, providing months of visual delight. Additionally, their compact size and adaptability make them perfect for indoor environments, adding a touch of nature to any space.

How easy are Streptocarpus plants to care for?

Streptocarpus plants are renowned for their low maintenance requirements. They thrive in bright indirect light and well-draining soil, making them ideal for both experienced and novice plant parents. Regular watering and occasional fertilization will keep them flourishing.

Where can I find Streptocarpus plants for sale?

Streptocarpus plants are widely available at reputable nurseries, garden centers, and online retailers. You can browse a vast selection of varieties and choose the ones that best suit your preferences and growing conditions.

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